Uniquely Created; Similarly Evolved

Hi!  If you’re reading this, it means at some point you supplied information to my blog page allowing emails to be sent, informing you that I’ve submitted a new post.  I owe a big thanks to my buddy Dave T. for getting this notification process up and running!

I also want to thank you!  You probably subscribed to my site because something I wrote interested you.  Or, you didn’t find anything interesting but in the name of friendship you subscribed so I wouldn’t feel bad.  Or, you realized that some of what I wrote was so incredibly stupid that it would be unfair not to share and laugh about my ignorance with your real friends.  Or, we’re related.  Just so you know, I’m fine with any of those reasons.

Normally I’ve been sharing my posts on Facebook, and I’ll continue to do that from time to time.  However, you as a subscriber will now get bonus coverage that the general public will not have access to.  Together we’ll  tackle the tough issues we all ponder from time to time, issues like;  When ‘dining in’ at a fast food restaurant that offers free refills on soft drinks, why would anyone buy a large beverage?  Or, before turn signals on cars were invented, were drivers in Alaska really ticketed for not using arm gestures when stopping or making a turn?  And the age old question;   Why doesn’t the dog seem to be as bothered by your snoring as your spouse is?

But wait!  There’s more!  Your membership not only entitles you to share these mind blowing questions with friends on Facebook, it also allows you to make comments directly to me on my blog site!  But wait!  There’s more!  Unlike some of your Facebook friends, I’ll respond!!!!

You’ll see that I’ve changed the header on my site to say;  Welcome To My Mind  Uniquely Created; Similarly Evolved;  That’s because I believe that while God has made each of us unique, He has not made us different.  Through age and experience many of us have been drawn together.  Where once we may have been unable to imagine a life built around God and family, we now are unable to imagine a life without both at the center.  In that sense we are not so different, we’ve evolved.  Whether what I post is an attempt at humor, a story of faith, or a combination of both, my hope is that you’ll be able to relate, and say, “Yeah, I get it,” or, “Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.”  And if sometimes all you can say is, “Huh?”  That’s okay too.

Finally, I have a favor to ask.  If you have a friend who you think might be interested in some of my posts, point them toward my site and ask them to subscribe.  I’d appreciate that.  Have a great day!

Thanks again for subscribing,



What’s Your Sign?

Plato said, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

I’m backing out of a parking space at my local Walmart when from behind, I hear a car horn blare.  Slamming on my breaks I take a panicked look in the rear view mirror where I catch a glimpse of the guy I almost ran into.  He’s angrily flipping me off and continuing to blow his horn and scream at me even after he’s safely maneuvered his car past mine.  Feeling an obligation to do so, I return his unfriendly gesture with one of my own.  “Right back at ya buddy!!”   What a jerk, I think to myself.  Yeah, a real jerk.  Only I can’t figure out if I mean him or me.

Okay, I admit it was completely my fault.  I wasn’t paying attention to what I was doing and nearly caused an accident.  However, in my defense, I have had a lot on my mind lately.   Did it ever occur to this guy that maybe I wasn’t just carelessly daydreaming, that maybe there are things going on in my life that are really bothering me?  Important things, like how I’ll be able to make my next mortgage payment?  Of course not.  He probably never even considered that.  He was way too concerned about possibly getting his precious car dented.  He’s driving a new Lexus while I’m driving a 13 year old Hyundai, what would he know about financial problems?  Not only that, but maybe he should be made aware of my most recent doctors appointment, the one that indicated how my stupid blood pressure is starting to go up higher than the space shuttle.  Maybe if he knew all of the garbage I’ve been going through he’d be a little more sympathetic, and think twice about giving me the finger and acting like the moron that he obviously is.  Jerk.

Regaining my composure, I sat in my car for a little while and began to think.  I do that sometimes.  I wondered; How much more courteous might we be, if we had the power to see signs floating above each others head. Written words that would inform us of exactly what struggles each of us were facing at any given moment.

Like the scruffy looking teenage girl who wasn’t even polite enough to say “Excuse me.” after she bumped into me while we waited in line at the fast food restaurant.  Kids just have no manners now a days do they?  What if her sign said,  I’m being abused at home.” 

Or the woman who I’ve nodded to once or twice in church.  One day she completely ignored me, acted as if she’d never even seen me before.  Pretty rude if you ask me.  I definitely won’t go out of my way to say hello to her again.  What if her sign said, “Just diagnosed with cancer. 

Then there’s the kid who constantly rides his bicycle across my perfectly manicured lawn.  Little punk, no respect for others property.  His sign might say,  I’m lonely and just want some attention.” 

Or the grumpy senior citizen on my block who I smirk at because he constantly seems to have a permanent scowl on his face.  “I’m afraid of growing old.

And then there’s the  guy who blew his horn, gave me the Italian salute, and screamed at me after I nearly smashed into him.  It’s more than likely  he would have his own sign too.  What if his said something like,  I just lost my job”  

Knowing what everyone’s sign says should not be a prerequisite to being kind.  We have the capacity to understand (without being informed of everyone’s personal details) that we all struggle together.  We don’t need specifics to make us aware that we are not the only one with problems.  Like Plato, we can appreciate the fact that “everyone we meet is fighting a hard battle.”

God has blessed us with many gifts.  He’s graced us with the capacity for mercy, tolerance, and compassion, to name a few.  In that sense, He’s given all of us the ability to see each others signs.  Now that we know we have this super power, the possibilities of what we can do with it are endless.

Lights, Cameras, Conviction!

I made the mistake of telling a fellow church member that I went to see the movie Son of God last Saturday.  “Oh my gosh!!” he said.  “Didn’t you just love it?!”  “Not so much.” I said.  ‘“WHAT?!?” He sounded incredulous, (I don’t think I’ve ever used that word in one of my posts before.  I like it.  Look for me to use it more often in the future.) “Why are you so upset?”  I asked,  “Were you part of the production staff for the movie or something?”  “No,” he said “but it was about God!!”  “Yeah, I got that much.” I replied.  I followed up with, “I enjoy comedies, this wasn’t very funny.  Although I have to admit that the part where Jesus knocked over the change tables in the temple and Judas said, “This is not good.”  That part made me chuckle a little.”

Getting all worked up he said, “You’re kidding me right?”  It was about God, it wasn’t supposed to be funny!  There’s nothing funny about God!”  “I don’t know about that.” I answered.  “I’ve been doing some self examination and have come to the conclusion based on things that’ve happened to me recently, that God must have a pretty good sense of humor.  Either that or He’s really upset with me, and I don’t even want to consider that possibility.”   I continued,  “And not only was the movie not funny but it didn’t even have a surprise ending.  I love surprise endings. Like in the ‘The Sixth Sense’ where it turns out that Bruce Willis was dead the whole time.  I know some people figured it out early on, but I was surprised!”  With that said I think I started to detect his left eye beginning to twitch. Unable to hold back any longer, I burst out laughing.  He shook his head, wished me a good day and walked away.

It’s true though, I normally don’t  watch religious movies.  In fact, I’ve even committed the nearly unforgivable sin of never seeing The Passion of the Christ!  And while Mel Gibson and some of my fellow Christians may not be able to forgive me for that, I’m confident that God has.

Now I know some of you will be incredulous about this, (wow, didn’t expect to use it again so soon) but I don’t get much enjoyment out of God movies.  If you do, I think that’s great, because it reaffirms for me how He works so differently in people.  But for the most part they’re just not for me.  For one thing I believe that like with most movies, “The Book” is better.  For another thing, I’m often guilted into feeling worse about myself when the movie is over than I did before it started.  Let me explain;

A friend called on Friday and asked if I’d like to go see Son of God with him on Saturday morning.  I told him that I wasn’t sure because I had some shoe shopping that I was just dying to do with my wife.  That was a lie.  See, I had already broken a commandment and the movie wasn’t even scheduled to start for another 15 hours.  I’d just pushed the boulder down hill and from here it could do nothing but pick up speed.  He said “Alright, just let me know as soon as you can.  I have free tickets.”  I said, “Free?  Okay, screw the shopping I’m in.”

We arrived at the theater around 9:30 AM.  With only four people ahead of us it still took about 15 minutes to get our tickets.  I turned to my friend and said, “Oh my God, could this  ticket lady take any longer?  She moves slower then my dead grandma”  I imagine I’ve committed at least one sin there, maybe two if you believe by saying “Oh my God instead of “Oh my gosh I’ve taken the Lord’s name in vain.  That boulder is starting to pick up speed.

After we finally got our tickets from ‘Speedy Cashierous,’ my friend stopped at the concession stand to buy a $6.00 cup of cherry coke.  (I waited with him but bought nothing for myself because I was afraid by doing so it would somehow negate the benefit I’d gotten from taking advantage of the free movie ticket.)  In front of us were two women and four kids having a debate on whether to purchase the large popcorn or take out a small loan in order to afford the family sized one.  After another 15 minutes of waiting, I walked away muttering to myself.  If what I said wasn’t a sin then it certainly qualified as being on the borderline.  Attempting to calm down I took a deep breath and told myself to just find a seat, “Go and sin no more.”

When we entered the theater my friend asked where I’d like to sit.  I told him I always sit in the back row because the last thing I need is for some ‘son of a gun’ to sit behind me and kick the back of my seat for two hours.  Only I didn’t say ‘son of a gun,’  Oops.

The show was pretty empty and our seats were perfect, center screen, no one behind us and no one in front of us.  That’s when I spotted the popcorn people making their way up the aisle, and apparently the perfect location for their viewing pleasure was going to be located directly in front of me.  I slammed my fist on the arm of the chair and ground my teeth together so hard that I feared I might have bent one of the wires on my partial.  White flashes went off in front of my eyes and even though I didn’t know which one it was, I was pretty sure another commandment had been broken.  Suddenly it hit me, I’d been at ‘Son of God’ for about 35 minutes, the movie hadn’t even started yet and I’d already racked up almost a dozen sins.  Congratulations to me!  I was on pace to break, if not a world record at least the Rockford AMC Theater mark.

About three quarters of the way through the movie someones cell phone rang.  I vaguely heard muffled voices and giggling.  It wasn’t t loud enough that I couldn’t listen to what was being said on the screen, but it was loud enough to annoy the crap out of me.  I completely lost track of the film and a sardonic grin crossed my face when I began to visualize putting my hands around the neck of the cell phone user and squeezing the life out of him.  I was finally in my happy place.  A minute later I snapped out of my trance and realized, okay, no question about that one, that was a sin for sure.  That one boulder had turned into a full blown avalanche.

When the movie ended my friend looked at me and asked, “So, how’d you like it?”  I responded, “I loved the guy who played Pontius Pilate.”   

I had just spent two hours watching a movie about Jesus Christ.  In that short period of time I sinned against God and man multiple times, and the character whose performance I enjoyed more than any other was one of the most evil people not only in the film but quite possibly in all of human history.  I left feeling completely drained.

See what I mean?  I wouldn’t have to concern myself with this stuff if I’d just stick to watching movies like Jackass 3D.


Dear God,

I have something I think I need your help with.  Who doesn’t right?  LOL  That means laugh out loud.  I imagine you don’t text much.

Anyway, I have a couple of friends with a problem.  You know them, we met at your house about 20 years ago.  Because we’re such good friends I wasn’t surprised when they chose to confide in me, their troubles.  But here’s the thing; I’ve got my own problems to deal with right now and while I’m flattered they would come to me, I’m not sure they’ve come to the right person.  Not sure I have the energy to deal with their problems as well as with my own right now.  I’m  tired, angry, and so consumed with my own “stuff” that I just don’t think it’s the best time for them to be putting their trust in me.  Can you suggest a way out of this?

I suppose that makes me sound like a bad friend, but hear me out.  Wait, first let me get this off of my chest; I know that for about the last year and a half I haven’t been taking your advise or listening to what you’ve been telling me, but this time I will.  Promise.  Not to make excuses though, but I have been busy.  For one thing, I’m still looking for work, (Remember, we talked about that a while back) that’s taken up a lot of my time. (By the way, I don’t want to be a pest, but how’s that going?  Would you like me to remind you about it everyday or was that one time enough?)  Not only that, but I’ve also been helping to feed starving children and cleaning up after tornadoes. (You’ll be glad to know that I’ve been working on my humility so I gave you all the credit for those. You’re welcome.)  So are you really expecting me to do all of that AND pay attention to everything your saying?!?!  That seems kind of unreasonable.  No disrespect meant, but since your omniscient, wouldn’t it stand to reason you would know that multitasking isn’t my thing.  I think that should be pretty obvious.  (Okay, even to me that sounded a little disrespectful.  Sorry)

Oh before I forget, what do you think prompted me to start reading the bible on a daily basis again last Monday?  Was that you?  Let me know okay?

Anyway, listen to this. When I got to church this past Sunday, I took my favorite seat in the back row, and started thumbing through the bulletin.  It said that the New Testament reading that morning was going to be Matthew 26: 31-46.  I decided to get a head start on the service and began to read.  At verse 38, (You know, the part where your son is in the garden of Gethsemane)  He said, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.”  So He asked his disciples to keep watch while He went to pray.  Twice He returned from praying and both times he caught them sleeping, and said, “Could you men not keep watch with me for one hour?”  Wow, pretty inconsiderate of them if you ask me.  All He wanted was one simple thing, for them to stay awake, and they couldn’t even do that!  I know I’m overly sensitive sometimes but I don’t mind telling you, if my friends did that to me I’d be pissed!  (is “pissed” a swear word?  If it is I apologize) 

Now here’s where things get kind of weird God, so pay attention okay?.  My mind had started to wander a little, but I snapped out of it when I heard the pastor say, “The New Testament reading today comes from Matthew 25 verses 31 thru 46.”   I’m like, “What? Chapter 25?”  I’m sure the bulletin clearly showed chapter 26. I’m thinking it must have been misprinted so I start looking around to see if anyone else in the congregation appears to be as confused as I am, but no one seems to be.  I recheck the bulletin and now it says that the New Testament reading really  IS chapter 25.  Turns out that I wasn’t even reading the right chapter!!  Was that you?  Let me know okay?

Anyway, all of this reading of the “wrong” scripture, now had me thinking.  It made me start thinking about friendship and loyalty, how we choose our friends.  It dawned on me that we choose them much like Jesus chose who would keep watch with Him in the garden.  We choose friends who we believe will stand by us, and in a sense, “keep watch” with us when we need them.  We choose friends who won’t be too tired, too busy, too timid, or too self absorbed with their own problems that they won’t at least have time to listen and be sympathetic to ours.  We choose friends who we believe will “stay awake” for us.  But we also choose friends who are human and sometimes fail to live up to our expectations.  Not only that, but our friends choose us the same way.

Now back to my original ques……  Hey wait a second.  With all of  this deep thinking I’ve been doing, I just answered my own question.  I guess I won’t be needing your help after all.  Thanks for listening though. Talk to you later.




Dear Clueless,

Sometimes you really are.  LOL

Love you anyway,
